(works ForWomenToo )

Download the "DeadManEmailFree.zip" file TO YOUR DESKTOP (as of: June 24, 2019)
There are two options: choose the one that you prefer.

1) Click HERE, and allow the file "DeadManEmailFree.zip" to download to your default location. THEN, and this is important, locate that file in that folder, and MOVE or COPY that file to your DESKTOP.... OR...

2) Hover Mouse Over HERE, and rt-click, Save Link As..., then when the file selection form opens, locate your DESKTOP at the top dropdown box and be sure you see "DeadManEmailFree.zip" in the "File name:" at the bottom of this form (or, if you do not, please type it in yourself), then, press "SAVE".

Now that you have the "DeadManEmailFree.zip" on your DESKTOP, dbl-click on that file. Now, CLICK THE EXTRACT BUTTON. Please note that the screen is already setup to EXTRACT all your free files into a New Folder on your desktop called "DeadManEmailFree". Now, be sure to click OK, or Extract found at the bottom of the form (depending upon the zipfile program you happen to be using). Once that's completed, and the folder is filled with all the files, there is nothing else to do to setup the program. Just some edits to some files, which will be discussed in the file "ReadMeFirst.html" named below. You may, of course, now move the .zip file INTO your "DeadManEmailFree" folder "for safe keeping".

Open your folder - if not already - and dbl-click the file name "ReadMeFirst.html", and follow the directions. There are two pages covering every aspect of the operations, customizations, and daily use of the program, but you do NOT need to do anything yet. Just review for later.

If you want to know and see more: email Bob