There has always existed, ever since Mankind could think, and speak, a 'sixth way' to "intentionally evolve".
Just like there has always existed, a 'sixth sense' in a man, to "pursue it".
However, they are never talked about, publically, because either people don't KNOW the ideas exist, or they don't BELIEVE them to exist, or they REFUSE to believe they exist - and nearly everyone supports those views.
What people do know about, are the 'three
ways', and more recently, the 'Fourth way'. Running through all that, is the 'Fifth Way' -
which is taking the other 4 ways humourously, or irreverently, even cartoon-like. Absolutely hidden from all
of that, is the Way of the Sixth-Sense - which is the first, and only TRUE game of enlightenment; and whereas most people play games for fun, we play games for REAL!!! (and, oh yeah, this is a "goof", a "put-on", a "joke")
This entire representation is of the Western view of Evolution. There is also an Eastern view. Each view has many, many, variations. This is just one possible variation.
Christ/Satan at top because they are two halves of the same thing. Christ/Satan are at the pinnacle because they represent the "epitome" of implied Human "Realness" (no one has EVER seen/touched them).
The horizontal line is represented by the "epitomes" of expressed Human "Realness" - conscious men, teachers - (people have actually seen/touched them).
Human smileyfaces, who are for themselves, the "epitome" of
their own explicit realness, yet for some of them, they realize there is an implied realness, as well - and it exists ON the Plane of the SixthSense. That is, if they are "Lucky", they too may aspire to Greatness. |
The bottom is characterized by the image of "Bob", a
cartoon figure, that no one on this planet believes is real, no one. "Bob" is a cartoon, and
cartoons are always at the bottom, because they are wholly fictitious - in fact, they are
the beginning of our civilization - they are the mind-images of something which has yet to
be constructed in the outer world. |
This whole thing - top to bottom - represents human civilization, that which springs from the mind of man.
This particular view, symbolizes a particularly Western tradition, of course, and the Eastern tradition would have Buddha at the top.
The Red, Blue and Yellow ovals are actually circles, spheres really, seen almost head-on, because it is a 3dimensional representation attempting to link with the 4th and higher dimensions - accessible by Mind.
And, this is the one and only true game of enlightenment. "Whereas some play games for fun, we play them for real!" Leave your aspirations behind, though - you don't know WHERE this game can take you.
Everyone starts at the bottom. For example, those things you currently aspire to - self-remembering, self-observation, consciousness, enlightenment, liberation, whatever - be it known, that those things are your commencement exercises here. You need them to even get started!
This game is about 'Surfing the Luck Plane'. (Notice that the Graphic Cross, above you, appears as an overhead view of an AirPlane - in Planeview - in plainview - Blue Fuselage and Cockpit, Yellow PrimaryWing, Red RearWing, BlueTail)
The Key is to insert yourself into the Center of All Controversy. You pick your "story" and you pick your "poison" (or "drug of choice"), and Surf.
And, for all those who still need a 'system' - this IS a "System:", that is 'Fuck the System' - if the law of accident is not fucking with the system, then it's up to you.
Here's an example of SixthSensual Surfing the Luck Plane: You're cruisin'
down the hiway at 60, groovin' to some righteous tunes, and you come upon your exit.
You need to exit, NOW, but you must fall in behind some little old lady with her three
screamin' grandchildren in tow, and there you are - head back, groovily cruisin' and you don't
really want to go through all the effort to negotiate this, potentially, hazardous merge into
the surface traffic below the hiway, so rather than straining your self too much,
you notice that SHE has slowed to less than safe speed
and is bobbin' her head back and forth, hittin' the brakes off and on, looking for "just
that perfectly safe opening", and as you silently notice her, you realize "She ain't
getting us into a wreck - just follow her". So, without making a noticeable moment of physical or mental or emotional
effort, you 'effortlessly' slipstream in behind her, into the fast-moving traffic of the
surface street, you've finally entered, safely - and you're "on your way".
Now, you didn't look over your shoulder, you
didn't check out the freeway conditions, you didn't check if there was a Mack truck
barrelling down upon you, or her. You simply assumed that she was 'awake enough' to make all the
right moves, and you slipped in behind her. No problema. Now, when you arrive on the
surface street, you realize you were damn lucky - and you noticed it. So, did I make the
Luck, or was the Luck always there? The Luck is always there, I just took the path of
least resistance to surf it.